Tax Collection

Town property and personal tax collection begins in the end of December and ends on January 31. Any taxes paid after January 31 are handled by the county treasurer.

The easiest and preferred method of payment is by mail. Please mail your tax payment to your Town Treasurer.  To receive a receipt, you must include a self addressed business sized (#10) stamped envelope. The postmark on the envelope is the date paid, regardless of the date on the check.

Treasurer office hours (if available) were included with your tax due statement.

You must pay your taxes to the Taylor County Treasurer after the January 31 postmark deadline. Online county tax collection system.

Dog Licensing

Dog licenses should be included with your tax payment and can be in the same check. Please send proof of rabies shots and a self-addressed stamped envelope to receive your tag(s). If an envelope is not included, you will be charged postage. This year, if you have a dog and fail to get a license, your name will be given to the county. A warning notice was sent last year and action will be taken this year.

Tax Information

For more information on the value of your property, please contact:
Town Assessor
Zillmer Mid State Assessment Scott Zillmer PO Box 535 Marion WI  54950
(715) 754-2287

For more information on tax collection, please contact:
County Treasurer
224 South Second Street
Medford, WI 54451
(715) 748-1466
County Treasurer Webpage