Town Board

The officers on the Town of Grover Board are elected by town residents and are working in the best interest of all the residents. Town of Grover residents and landowners are encouraged to contact their board to discuss issues concerning local government. The best avenue in which to address your town board is to attend a monthly meeting at the Grover Town Hall. Meetings take place on the the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm at the Grover Town Hall unless otherwise posted.


Chairman – Ron Sromek (715) 785-7595

Supervisor – Julie Gaunt

Supervisor – Alan Harder

Treasurer – Holly Sromek – (715) 785-7595

Clerk – Amber Larson (715) 678-2089

Mailing address:

Amber Larson  phone: (715) 678-2089
N744 Hamm Dr, Owen, WI 54460-9405


please contact town board